Aerial Tracking

Aerial tracking establishes itself as a more efficient and cost effective solution to tracking smaller aerial vehicles like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and helicopters. Aerial tracking provides these smaller vehicles the benefits of air-to-ground tracking without adding unnecessary weight or expense.


An ideal solution for both manned and unmanned small aircrafts, ground-to-air tracking provides a feasible and economically viable option to the tracking dilemma faced by small aircrafts. Frequently unable to bear the weight of traditional air-to-ground tracking systems, these aerial vehicles benefit from an optimized solution designed to provide real-time tracking and monitoring data, eliminating potential risks for in-flight collision or loss of communication.

As aerial vehicles increasingly share airspace with fixed wing commercial airplanes, it has become critical to establish a reliable, high quality ground-to-air tracking protocol to ensure airspace safety for large and small aerial vehicles alike. Through the use of panel antennas and tri-band dish antennas, BATS Wireless is at the forefront of optimizing a tracking solution designed to work for small manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Aerial vehicles outfitted with ground-to-air tracking capabilities exceed expectations by providing better tracking distances, relying on the in-flight vehicle as the high point.  Ground-to-air tracking additionally provides for the ability to track and monitor aerial vehicles in real time. For small aerial vehicles, traditional air-to-ground tracking is ill suited, due to excessive weight and gaps in observable data.

With the ability to transmit real-time data, ground-to-air tracking represents a new iteration of in-flight safety for small and mid-sized UAVs. Providing ground observers the ability to monitor and track small manned and unmanned vehicles lends a sense of control and safety previously unrealized in the autonomous aerospace industry.